Please note that we charge an extra fee for prenatal analysis.
Prenatal Testing Is Given the Highest Priority at CENTOGENE
Learn more about our prenatal genetic testing options, which enable rapid and reliable identification of disease-causing mutations, even at the early stages of pregnancy.
Prenatal Testing and Diagnosis
Chooising the appropriate testing strategy is crucial in providing the best care for your patients.
This is why CENTOGENE offers a turnaround time of ten business days for most prenatal analyses (known variants, deletion/duplication analysis, single gene sequencing) and of less than 15 business days for Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) analyses (CentoXome®, CentoGenome® and CentoArray®). In addition, our medical experts are always available for your support before, during, and after the analysis.
Starting Material
- Chorionic villi
- Amniotic fluid
- Fetal DNA
- Cord blood (for late pregnancies) as possible material
You have the option to send us tubes with already cultivated cells. Alternatively, we offer CentoCulture®, our cell cultivation service.
Contact Us
Please always contact us prior to every prenatal sample sending to prevent transport delays and to allow us to give the analysis top priority. Please provide the following mandatory information :
- Logistics tracking number of sample shipment
- Requested analysis
- Physician's contact information
All prenatal cases are specifically assigned to our dedicated prenatal team who takes the utmost individual care.
Contact Details
Logistic and Communication Manager
+49 381 80113 663
For timely sample registration over the weekend, all prenatal samples must reach our laboratory no later than 3:30 p.m. CEST on Friday or 2:00 p.m. CEST on Saturday.

Gene List Prenatal Testing
CENTOGENE’s prenatal gene list for CentoXome® and CentoGenome® analysis
Scientific Publications
Retrospective Diagnosing of Rare Disease Patients
Despite diagnostic exome/genome sequencing, patients remain without a diagnosis when the relevant gene-disease association is not yet known at the time of analysis. CENTOGENE therefore re-evaluates […]
In-Depth Characterization of a Novel Disease
Establishing a novel gene-disease link has immediate diagnostic implications, while therapeutic considerations require functional insights beyond genotype and phenotype. CENTOGENE researchers […]
Contributions to WGS Guidelines for Rare Disease Diagnostics
Proper genetic diagnostics relies on up-to-date guidelines. These have recently been revised for Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) by a panel of European experts. CENTOGENE’s Chief Genomic and Medical […]
Related Webinars
The Power of Whole Genome Sequencing
Establishing a rapid and reliable diagnosis for complex cases can be difficult, even for the most skilled physicians. But thanks to the latest technologies and scientific insights into rare and […]
MOx – Advancing Rare Disease Patient Care With Multiomic Solutions
Watch the on-demand webinar now to gain insights into our multiomics revolution – a multidimensional approach looking at each patient from different angles to combine deep knowledge and insights for […]
Webinar de CentoGenome - ‘Una mirada al poder de la Secuenciación del Genoma Completo’
Acompáñenos en nuestro CentoWebinar ‘Una mirada al poder de la secuenciación del genoma completo.’ A lo largo del webinar, nuestro presentador el Dra. Aida M. Bertoli-Avella, MD le proporcionará una […]
Get in Touch With Our Customer Support
Our consultation service is available in several languages.
+49 (0) 381 80 113 - 416
Mon. – Fri. 7 a.m. – 6:30 p.m. CET
Sat. 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. CET
For timely sample registration over the weekend, all prenatal samples must reach our laboratory no later than 3:30 p.m. CEST on Friday or 2:00 p.m. CEST on Saturday.