Generation of iPSCs for Rare Diseases
Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell lines AKOSi002-A and AKOSi003-A from symptomatic female adults with Wilson disease
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) represent excellent in vitro models to study rare diseases and perform high-throughput drug screening. CENTOGENE has established iPSC technology for rare monogenetic diseases in its Rostock headquarters based on patient-derived fibroblasts. Further advancements in this process is an ambitious task, which will be facilitated by close collaboration with local and global academic partners, as exemplified in a recent paper published in Stem Cell Research.
- Janine Petters
- Chiara Cimmaruta
- Katharina Iwanov
- ML Chang
- Christin Völkner
- G Knuebel
- HM Escobar
- Moritz J Frech , PhD
- Andreas Hermann , MD
- Prof. Arndt Rolfs , MD
- Jan Lukas , PhD