CENTOGENE collaborates with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital

The scope of our partnership agreement is wide-ranging and encompasses clinical genetic diagnostics, including whole exome/genome sequencing, research into genetic variability and disease associations in the Indian populations. Furthermore, our initiative will also focus on education for clinicians in this rapidly evolving field of genetic medicine.

Prof Arndt Rolfs, CEO of CENTOGENE said, "Centogene is proud to partner with India's leading genetics center and their team lead by Prof I C Verma. Together, we can bring the benefits of early and comprehensive diagnosis of rare diseases to the people of India. The Indian population has immense genetic variability, as well as several closely knit communities that show unique disease associations never before studied in detail. This partnership could lead the way to a better understanding of these disease patterns."

Prof I C Verma, Director of the Centre of Medical Genetics said, "Sir Ganga Ram Hospital is happy to collaborate with Centogene in making available the sophisticated tests of CENTOGENE to Indian patients. CENTOGENE will also sponsor scientific activities at the Center of Medical Genetics and carry out collaborative research. The first topic that has been taken up for research is the study of congenital deafness by next generation and whole exome sequencing technologies. The Center of Medical Genetics at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital already provides a comprehensive menu of tests in Molecular Genetics, Biochemical Genetics, Cytogenetics and Immunogenetics. Partnering with CENTOGENE would extend our menu of tests".

Please find detailed information in our press release here.
